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Monday, December 26, 2011
Boiler Upgrades That Save Fuel and Energy: Clip 1 of 6
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Boiler Upgrades That Save Fuel and Energy: Clip 2 of 6
Saturday, December 17, 2011
President Obama Honors the Country's Top Innovators and Scientists
Monday, December 12, 2011
Honeywell E3 Point Gas Monitoring System
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Heating and Air Conditioning: Be Prepared for Warm Weather by Maintaining AC Units
System efficiency should be on top of every homeowners list when utilizing heating and air conditioning. The extremely hot temperatures beginning around April are energy draining to say the least. These uncomfortable conditions can last through October. Heating units must also be proficient to uphold lower monthly bills. Both should be inspected yearly to determine where improvements can be made. Older systems are less efficient. Over time they begin to perform poorly. Maintenance can often keep them running well for many years. There comes a time when even the utmost care does nothing but keep units running at bare minimum. A service call can get your home ready for the intense summer heat by improving unit performance. Experienced technicians are capable of looking over the unit. They may find a part replacement to be enough to improve each systems operation. In the worst case scenario, installation of a new unit might be recommended.
Air Conditioning Repair Service: What Happens During a Typical Visit?
An air conditioning repair service is the starting point for increased heating and cooling efficiency. A technician will look at the current condition of the unit, registers, and ductwork. How old is the existing unit? What is its SEER rating? Was it properly installed? These are all very important questions. Units reach a point where they are outdated. Even if they are running properly, they are not capable of producing the needed efficiency. They may have a SEER rating of twelve or below. Newer models start at a rating of thirteen and increase to as much as twenty. Anything below the standard is considered inefficient. High temperatures bring heavy use upon these units. Higher efficiency ratings create immense savings for every month of the year. A SEER rating of twenty is a homeowner's best choice when it fits within their budget. Installation determines the significance of the energy rating. Units which do not fit the size requirements of a home actually use more energy. Improper set up results in higher costs, heavier use, and a less efficient system.
Has it been properly maintained throughout use? Maintenance is what keeps a system operating at its best. When this necessary upkeep is not performed, a unit can become very expensive to run within a home. Most owners change filters regularly but forget about all the other maintenance a heating or cooling unit entails. This results in dirt buildup throughout the system. As use continues without proper cleaning, parts begin to work harder to perform as well. Eventually a part will break leaving the system inoperative. Standard upkeep can prevent this from occurring. Systems last longer when they are cared for appropriately. A technician can determine if this has occurred. In many cases they can clean the unit, make the repairs, and have it operating at its best fairly quickly. If the unit has been neglected for far too long or is simply too old, they typically recommend replacement. High temperatures can be overwhelming and in some cases, deadly. It is best to schedule this system checkup each year and follow the direct advice of a reliable professional.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Reducing Heating Costs: Why Do Natural Gas Prices Fluctuate Each Year?
During the winter months, home heating expenses become a top concern of most homeowners. These systems can create fairly high energy costs if they are not maintained properly or become faulty. Heating units themselves are not the only reason for higher pricing in the heating industry. Heaters can run off of electric, water, and gas. Water as a source is not as common. Most homes use electric or gas for heat. An efficient electric heater that is well maintained, should average the same energy use every winter with the only price increases being from the provider themselves. Every year these costs go up by at least a few cents all over the United States. For people that have gas heaters, the cost increases are often much higher. Three specific factors that determine how high gas heating costs for US homes rise. Unfortunately they are completely out of the consumer's control.
Central Heating - Uncontrollable Factors That Affect Heating Costs
Central heating is not just an item of convenience. For those of us who do not live in tropical areas, heating is a necessity that cannot be lived without. World oil prices, government natural gas supplies, and demand all play a role in how much it will cost to heat our homes. Any time these prices are drastically increased, consumers as a whole will feel the affects. Prices make their way down through the energy providers to be dispersed to individual consumers. When they decrease, so do your heating expenses. The federal gas supply fluctuates as well. This supply will vary based on the amount used and availability. In years where less than the rationed amount is used, a surplus is created and available for the next year. Surpluses mean lower gas heating costs. If you remember learning about economics in school, this is the simple law of supply and demand. Less of a demand means more is available and lower prices and vice versa. There are a few things we can do to decrease the overall demand and lower heating prices.
Heating Contractors - Start Here to Decrease Energy Use and Consumer Demand
Lowering your own homes heating costs is not only beneficial to your pocket, but can be helpful to others as well. Weather does play a big role in the amount of gas needed to heat your home. There are things you can do to reduce this amount even in the coldest of times. Heating contractors can help with this process and get you started on the right track. The first place to start is with having your unit inspected and serviced. Units that are not maintained consume more energy and gas to effectively heat a home. Have a contractor ensure that the unit is working properly, clean, and running at its full potential. They can also make certain dangers such as gas leaks or fire hazards are not present. Ductwork, registers and other associated heating elements can also be cleaned and checked. Once this work has been done, you may also decide to weatherproof you home and take other measures that can keep the heat in better and reduce energy use.